Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) in Boulder, Colorado - Disclaimer

The authors of this website have made every attempt to assure that the information is accurate as of the date of publication. Unfortunately errors can be made and we can not assume liability for it’s content.

This website is intended to provide an introduction to information as it relates to the practice of Electroconvulsive Therapy and is not intended to be construed as medical advice for your or any other particular situation.

This information is intended to be a starting point for conversations with the Psychiatrists of The Guerra Fisher Institute and is not intended to imply any particular treatment is correct, or not correct, for any given situation.

The information contained on this website may not apply to your situation.

The information contained on this website may change at any time without prior notice.

The Guerra Fisher Institute, its members, officers, and agents specifically disclaim any personal liability, injury, risk, or loss as a consequence of any information presented on this website.

The Guerra Fisher Institute
4801 Riverbend Road
Suite 100
Boulder, Colorado 80304
United States of America
Phone: (303)415-8611
Facsimile: (303)440-2427
